Saturday, May 1, 2010

India -- Secure?

In finding articles on India, I came across a very surprising one, in which an Indian diplomat is being accused of spying for Pakistan. Officials are investigating the breach of security with Madhuri Gupta, a second secretary at the embassy, and the possibility of spying for Pakistan. The ramifications of this could be severe, and there is very little known about the information that Gupta could have been reporting. Officials are reporting that she had been under surveillance for over six months, but that they arrested her just a few days ago. It’s surprising to me that at this time, as technology is getting more and more advanced, that there are still so many instances where of spying or breaches within security; it seems to be almost an inevitability at this point. The article talks about the three wars that have bene fought between India and Pakistan since India’s independence in 1847, and this most recent incident will do nothing to improve any type of relationship between the two countries. It will be interesting to see if Gupta denies the accusations, or what she will admit to, especially during such a volatile time for the two countries, with the current disputes and fighting over the Kashmir region

In a related article, I found that a terrorist warning was issued for India, in the response to the planning of “imminent attacks” on India’s capital, New Delhi. The Indians were informed by U.S. Intelligence, and the state department was sure to include the word, “imminent” in their description. It is believed that Pakistan-based Islamic groups, who have been blamed for other attacks, including most recently, the bombings in Mumbai, will carry out the attacks. The terrorist cells are believed to be targeting public areas, where foreign travelers would be most identifiable. This is in conjunction with the previous article, about the possibility of Pakistani spies infiltrating Indian security, and it seems that conditions will only worsen before they improve.

The third article that I’ve found is in response to India’s involvement in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. India has not yet signed the bill, but recent reports say that they will be keeping a close eye on the deliberations at the United Nations on Monday. Because Pakistan has also not yet signed the treaty, many India officials will be watching the deliberations unfold, to ensure that those who have signed the bill are considering what is in India’s best interest. India intends to watch for any effort to seek universalization of the NPT, and also the focus that the bill will take on Iran. Says the article, “India’s position on Iran has been that it does not want new sanctions imposed while India also does not want to see the emergence of a nuclear-armed state in its neighbourhood.”

These three articles all help to highlight the heightened security and watchful eye that India must always have towards its neighbors, and how easily mistakes can slip through the cracks, the results of which could be detrimental to Indian security.

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